Re: Primary key and Foreign key

From: K.Y. Fung <>
Date: 7 Oct 2002 19:40:03 -0700
Message-ID: <> (K.Y. Fung) wrote in message news:<>...
> Heinz Huber <> wrote in message news:<Xns928B56719740Bhhuberraconlinzat_at_195.3.96.116>...
> > (K.Y. Fung) wrote in
> >
> > To cut the whole story short, you can't do what you want with constraint or
> > fk definitions alone. You have to have some way of disabling a delete on a
> > table.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Heinz
> Thanks everybody, I have just send my homework to my tutor. If you
> guys are interested in the "model answer" (and I am very sure there
> are more than just 1 correct answer), let us wait for 2 weeks and I
> shall post a summary for further discussion.
> Regards,
> K.Y. Fung

Although I get very high mark in the rest of that assignment, I was amazed to know the answer of this part of the question:

Nothing can be done.

It didn't even mention about access right, and my proposal was consider something not required by the answer, luck enough no marks was deducted that way. What an answer!

But I learn more in this forumn than from my assignments.

Thanks and Regards,
K.Y. Fung Received on Tue Oct 08 2002 - 04:40:03 CEST

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